Work from Home: What You Need to Know

Custom Office by HK Interiors

Whether by choice or out of necessity, many people have had to make the transition to work from home. For some, it is a positive change – there is no more commute, hours may be a bit more flexible, and being there to supervise children who are not in school or camp can bring peace of mind and save money. For others, those and other factors may be negatives. Some people need the structure of an office to get their work done. In this guide, our goal is to address those and many other issues to make working from home a positive, constructive, and successful experience.

What do you do when all of a sudden, you are thrust into a situation where you have to work at home when you are not set up for it?

Of course, if you have extra space, you can easily set up a home office. However, if you are already living in a cramped environment, where every inch of room seems to be taken, what do you do?

In the sections below, we will address those and other facets of creating the perfect work from home environment for your needs.

Creating the Perfect Space for Your Work from Home “Office”

The keyword here is organization. To have a successful work from home experience, you must be organized. The first step is to determine where the best place to set up shop is by taking a walk through your home. Is there a room that is unused or underused that could turn into an office? If not, can you find a corner somewhere, or an empty space of wall where you can put a small desk, maybe a filing cabinet or even a rolling cart with drawers? Using space efficiently is vital, and a rolling cart can be put away when not in use.

Productivity is vital, and if you have to keep getting up from your work area to go in search of things you need, you will not be productive. If technology is an issue, make certain the area you choose has electrical outlets, as well as a phone jack, if necessary.

The best working solutions for some people are furniture items that can serve double-duty purposes, blending well with your interior design. Consider the use of hutches, bookshelves, and cabinets to hold your office supplies, as well as some personal touches, such as photographs. A cabinet with doors or a desk with drawers may help you place that laptop, mouse, and keyboard out of sight when not in use.

While you are at it, make sure to have a high-quality surge protector to prevent lightning or power surges from affecting your electronics.

Setting Up an At-Home Workspace

Perhaps the most important thing to decide is where you will work. Ideally, you will have a desk in a quiet room that is free of distractions. If there is no way for you to bring a desk into your home, consider converting a closet into a workspace. It is the perfect place to add shelving, lighting, and easy to install an electrical outlet for electronics. At the end of the day, you close the door, and your home is a place of rest once more.

A crucial aspect of setting up your home office is getting a comfortable, ergonomically correct chair for your desk or work area. You may be sitting in at as much as eight hours or more each day, so invest a little extra in this essential item. If you are sitting at a dining room table, your chairs may not be the right height to help you navigate a keyboard all day. An adjustable office chair can give you a working advantage that will also protect your back and neck from strain. Choose one that will fit in with your home décor so that it will not stand out.

Work from home ideas for desks:

When deciding on a desk, will you be working online most of the day? If so, you may want to have your modem and router nearby to provide the best internet service. Do you spend a lot of time printing? If so, your productivity will increase if your printer is readily accessible on a shelf within reach. Anytime you have to get up from your desk, you are reducing your productivity. Set up your workspace so that everything you need is where it will increase efficiency with easy access.

Desk options today include:

  • L-shaped desks
  • Small corner desks
  • Standing desks
  • Writing desks

As you set up your work from home space, remember to keep cords out of the way – you do not want drawers or leg space blocked.

Lighting – a Critical Aspect of Working from Home

In today’s world of Zoom and online meetings, learning how to work from home also means presenting yourself in the best light possible – both figuratively and literally.

Lighting is a crucial part of the work from home scenario. When on a Zoom meeting, you need to have good lighting in front of you. If the lighting is behind you, your face will appear dark.

Natural light is an excellent option, so, if possible, position your desk to take advantage of the sunlight streaming in through a window. One warning – if your outside view will offer distractions, rethink this location.

You want to avoid harsh fluorescent light and dim lighting, which can both cause eye strain and trigger headaches and even migraines. Working in a dark area is depressing, so lighten up your workspace with a nice desk task lamp with a flexible arm for height adjustment. Ambient lighting can help soften harsh lights and eye strain.

Mounting an LED strip under a cabinet or behind your monitor can help provide eye-friendly light.

10 Working from Home Tips for Success

There are many ways to work from home – it is about discovering what is right for you. Today, many people are working at home jobs because they are not in essential businesses. Some may find that their companies decide to keep this a permanent feature. Whether you are working from home for a short time or an indefinite period, these tips might help make things flow more smoothly:

  • Without a home to work and work to home commute, it may be hard to separate the two. Try to keep your routine as close to how it was before. Get up, get dressed, do your hair and makeup, and transition as you would have if you were going to the office. Same thing when the workday is over – try to take a few minutes to unwind before changing into your “at-home” clothes.
  • Make your workspace inviting. If you cannot look out a window, try to hang some artwork on the walls, or even paint them your favorite color. Surround yourself with nature, knickknacks, or anything that will help you work better and happier.
  • Get organized and make sure everything you need to function at peak performance is nearby. Use your space efficiently with shelving on the walls, baskets, cubes, draw dividers, and other methods of keeping everything you need handy.
  • Do not work in your den or living room where the temptation to turn on the TV can distract you from work.
  • Remember – Zoom meetings are video – everyone can see what you are doing, including the mess behind you, if you are fixing your hair, or if you forget and stand up and do not have bottoms on! Be professional and act as though you are there in person.
  • Get up periodically and walk around, stretch, and even get some fresh air.
  • Do not snack all day – act as though you are in the office and eat at designated times.
  • If you have trouble tuning out other noises in your home (kids, pets, spouse), invest in a quality pair of headphones.
  • Keep in mind the interior design of your home and plan your office space accordingly. Do not sacrifice form for function – you want your area to allow for maximum productivity and be aesthetically pleasing at the same time. Function and beauty can go hand in hand.
  • Stay positive – many people work from home every day – and you can, too.

You may be thinking I want to work from home forever. If that is the case, set yourself up for success. Oh, and one last note – check with your accountant to see what deductions you can take on your taxes for your home office and supplies.

Are you working from home? If so, HK Interiors can help you transform your home office into the vision you desire. Call 954-401-8542 today for more information.

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