Interior Design Fails – What Not to Do

Now and then, we all need a good laugh. We are doing that today as we look at these epic interior design fails. Of course, some of these people had the best intentions when making these decisions. Much to their chagrin, things just did not seem to turn out the way they had planned.

Many of us have been our own victims when our interior design ideas did not meet up to our expectations – to put it nicely. Chuckle here. It is one thing when we have only ourselves to blame for our home decorating fails.

But what happens when the fault lies with a professional? Paying good money for ideas gone bad is a whole other story. You do not expect common design mistakes from a professional.

Professional Design Fails

You would think that an electrician would know how to install lights and outlets, right? Maybe not so right after all. The interior design fails below show just how wrong that expectation could be.

The first of our funny fails takes us straight to the sink – the one place we all know that water and electricity do not mix. Unfortunately, someone forgot to tell the electrician that installing an outlet inside the sink is not a good idea. Talk about your worst interior design mistakes – this one just might win the prize.

While we are on the subject of design fails and electrical installations, we all know that when there is an actual spot for the hanging of a chandelier, that is where you are supposed to put it, right?

Maybe not so obvious to everyone!

Interior design mistakes, such as not hanging the chandelier from the center of the provided space, are hard to fathom. It kind of makes you wonder how some people get themselves dressed in the morning.

Of course, some professionals impart a bit of humor into their work on purpose. We all know someone who we would think would be a professional’s nightmare. If you have ever seen the movie “Sleepless in Seattle,” you probably remember the scene in the kitchen of a home under remodeling, where they discuss the client’s crazy expectations.

Sometimes, clients will see something they want and ask for the same – at an unrealistic price. An epic funny architecture joke is to give them what they want – at that crazy cost. The funny construction alternative to a magnificently detailed handrail of a horse is to hang one from the post. Problem solved!

Epic Interior Design Fails in the Bathroom

Why does it always seem like everything goes wrong in the bathroom? These interior design fails are sure to make you chuckle.

We begin with a shelf that seems oddly out of place. Sometimes, there are no words for bad interior design – you just have to look at it and shake your head.

You know the saying always leave the best for last? Well, that is what we have done here.

For the couple who does everything together – the ultimate in togetherness leads us to our “best” worst interior design winner – the tete a tete toilets. Just in case you ever thought about dancing cheek to cheek in the bathroom, here is the winner in our hilarious home improvement fails.

There you have it – some home design fails to make your day. Now, you probably don’t feel so bad about some of your past ideas, do you?

Hiring an interior designer can save you money, time, and help you get the home of your dreams. Learn more about what an interior designer can do for you here.

To avoid these, and other, interior design fails, turn to the professionals at HK Interiors for help. Contact us today at 954-401-8542 for more information.

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